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Heritage & Archaeology

Tools and services at every stage of your project, from diagnosis to promotion with our partners. We have a tailored solution to meet your needs.

Public institutions

Universities, local authorities, archaeologists…

Consulting firms

Surveyors, engineering firms, architects…

Private sector

Renovation companies, preventive archaeology…

Topographic surveys (and historical images) to understand the evolution of installations.

An inspection with precise measurements, including inaccessible areas.

Fenêtre arrachée dans une toiture suite à une tempête

From a monument to a city, what surface area and level of detail are required for your project?

Zoom sur les écritures d'une cloche en rénovation

Field surveys & topography

Altimetric surveys and creation of topographic plans using drones, Lidar, or photogrammetry.

Use of Digital Terrain Models (DTM) or Digital Surface Models (DSM) to describe the altimetry of a study area.

Présentation Modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) vs de surface (MNS)
MNS de la Motte castrale de La Mothe (source : EnviroCarto - Lidar HD IGN)MNT de la Motte castrale de La Mothe (source : EnviroCarto - Lidar HD IGN)

Digital Terrain Models (DTM) (+ built environment) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) from HD Lidar data by IGN – La Mothe Motte (24)

Visual & thermal inspection

  • Speed and cost-effectiveness: a survey in record time providing a comprehensive overview of the work to be planned.
  • Precision and Frequency: detailed and accurate site analysis, including hard-to-access areas. Monitoring of project progress is also possible.

Thermal inspections can reveal ancient traces or structural modifications.

Each element can be accurately measured and located on the structure.

Facade surveys & site plans

  • Facade surveys/elevations of heritage buildings for renovation or conservation projects.
  • Réalisation de plans de masse avec une précision centimétrique grâce au drone.
Coupe d'une façade d'une église en ruine avec élévation

South elevation of a ruined church for the Château et Fabriques de Buzet association

Vue du dessus des ruines de l'église du château de Buzet avec altimétries

Site plan combined with a drone orthophoto – Buzet (47)

Virtual model of your monument

3D modeling captures details and provides measurements for a virtual model of buildings or archaeological sites.

Modeling from:

  • drone acquisitions (photogrammetry or LiDAR),
  • existing data (IGN HD LiDAR, terrestrial LiDAR, etc.).

Field surveys help to correct and estimate the accuracy of models.

Tour Tanguy (Brest) – Credits: Images (DroneReponse) – Modeling (EnviroCarto) –