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Environment & Energy

Tools and services at every stage of your project, from risk assessment to the landscape integration of your constructions. We have a tailored solution to meet your needs.

Public institutions

Local authorities, urban planning agencies, ...

Consulting firms

Surveyors, engineering firms, architects, landscape architects…

Private sector

Construction, natural resources, water and waste treatment, maritime & river…

From buildings to a city, assess the risk level of your installations (flooding, drought, …).

Have your solar or wind production sites inspected by drone (thermal, telephoto, …).

Ombrières de panneaux solaires installées vue de haut par drone

With realistic 3D landscape modeling, your projects benefit from seamless integration that enhances their acceptance by local residents

Intégration paysagère de trackers solaires

Field surveys and topography

Drones and satellites are excellent tools for covering large areas at a lower cost, complementing traditional topographic surveys.

Présentation Modèle numérique de terrain (MNT) vs de surface (MNS)

Download our comparative guide of the two technologies.

Topographic analysis using HD Lidar data and surveyor measurements – SMATGM union

Visual & thermal inspection

Speed and cost-effectiveness

A survey in record time, providing a comprehensive view of your installations.

Safe accessibility

A detailed and accurate analysis of sites, including hard-to-reach areas. Possible monitoring of construction progress.

Thermal inspections help identify faulty cells.

Impact de grêle sur un panneau solaire

Each element or crack can be measured and accurately located on the structure.

3D Landscape integration

Better acceptance from local residents

Real-world placement of your installations in the environment through 3D drone surveys.

Intégration à plus large échelle

Creation of a virtual model beyond the installation site for better integration into its environment.

Ombrières de panneaux solaires à Prayssas
Intégration paysagère de trackers solaires

Landscape integration of solar trackers using drone images and HD Lidar data (IGN).